
A few from Vanessa. I have several hundred images from her. I'll post a couple more of her soon. Almost every picture of her is post worthy so I;ll post more.


I've always thought of Vanessa as one of the greatest pornstars ever. She never got the recognition that she should have. No AVN awards even though she's far better than those who win.


She shines in every scene she's been in over the years. She somehow manages to pull it off even with horrible film crews, incompetant directors and useless producers. With all of that stacked against her she still finds a way.


Watching her is fun. I've watched a few of her scenes that were horrible. I sat and waited, I wondered where she would find a small window and bring the scene to life.


Then she did it, with a minute and a half left of the scene she turned a shitty waste of time flick into a make sure you watch the last 2 minutes it makes up for the shit parts flick. Even when the crews seem to be purposely ruining the filming she couldn't be stopped.

 I'm glad that I got the chance to tell her that a couple years ago. I followed her on twitter and I posted some GIFs of her. She messaged me to ask if I would make a couple from parts that she wanted. I said of course. Then i told her. She cried, nobody ever complimented her on any performance or anything else I guess. She didn't even know how fucking good she really is. That's very sad.


She goes by the name "Naughty Ginger" on twitter and I remember her posting on other sites as well. She's a trophy fuck and if she's encountered in the wild, every effort to bag her shoud be taken. The man who harvests this prized pelt will be a folk hero


Hazel Grace is in my opinion the hottest performer in the adult film industry. In fact, at the moment, I can't think of any other pornstar that's sexier. Even when I think back through porn's history, I still draw a blank.


I started to ask myself, what lengths would I go to in order to mount this trophy pussy. I have compiled a list of unspeakable acts that I would consider in order to bag the Princess of Poon.


1) Accept an invitation to a slumber party at O.J. Simpson's then drink until I passed out.
2) Shave my head with a cheese grater while chewing on aluminum foil.


3) Put my nuts on an anvil and hand out sledge hammers.
4) Stick an empty Coke bottle full of angry hornets up my ass.


5)  Have rough sex with a bear.
6) Cut my toenails with a chainsaw


7) Lather up my balls with bacon grease and run naked through the Lion enclosure at the zoo.
8) Stick my ass in a blast furnace while having my balls sandblasted.


 9) Go to Mexico, eat raw fruit. drink the water and buy tacos fom a vendor with dirty hands.
10) Eat a meal that was recovered from an autopsy.


11) Fuck Whoopee Goldberg ...... (Not sure I could go through with this one.)
12) Kick an angry Kodiak Grizzly Bear in the nuts.

There you have it. These stunts would likely render me unable to perform but fuck it. In the event I survive and am able to maintain a meaningful erection. I will be knocking the dust off of Hazel Grace's pussy. I have a pile of Hazel Grace's  photos here at pimpandhost,com Image Galleries Best Of Porn Pics


She reminds me a little of the chicks in the porn magazines we used to look at when we were kids. Their bushes may have been a little bigger though. Which reminds me.

When I was a boy it was fairly common to find porn magazines along the roadside in bags or even out in the woods. Me and my neighbor kids found a huge plastic bag full. Playboy, OUI, Penthouse, Adam all the big names of the day. Oh! and one other thing. There was a God damned matress out there. Yah! some fucking pervert. Probably the neighbor kid Keith, dragged a matress 3/4 of a mile (at least) so he could wack off.

As the age of the internet came along, I took a long look at my prized collection of porn. With a tear in my eye I packed them in a big plastic bag and hauled them out to the same woods where I found the porn. Some kid is going to think he won the porn lottery...... Ahhh! It feels good to give back to the community.

Brenda Gondacki, What can I say? She's a hot one. Whenever I run across a very hot babe that I'm not fucking, I always think the same thing. Somebody's fucking her..... I wonder if he's a dorky fucker. Almost every one that I knew (that I wasn't fucking)  had a dork for a boyfriend. And they even tell you that.

When you get a girlfriend that's a 10, you hold her in high esteem. That is, until she farts. You then drop her down from a 10 to a 9. You realize that she has flaws. Later she will become confortable enough to take a shit while you're shaving. That takes away 2 points. If she's really rotten you subtract 3 points. Now, that 10 that you started dating......well now she's a 6.

She eventually will start complaining about trivial shit. . . . . ALL THE TIME.  You must deduct 1 point for this. She will for sure never be satisfied and will find fault with everything that you do. For this you must take 2 points from her hotness score. (continued)


You can look forward to and count on walking through the door after a long work shift and having her point out to you, what you are not doing enough of,  what you're doing too much of and what you're not doing at all.

For this you must subtract 2 points. It really should be three but she only has three left. Now, what was once a 10 is a fucking 1. You don't want a 1 for a girlfriend so it's time to move on.


With that in mind ol' Brenda here is a 10 who will quickly move down through the ranks of hotness until she's a 1. Then do it all over again. Maybe that's why they have dorks for boyfriends.


She posts on at least one big site that I know of. She posts under the name Naughty Ginger. She has an awesome body.

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